
Payment Methods for StremioTv

Payment Options
We facilitate payments through PayPal, a secure and reliable online payment platform, and also accept credit/debit cards. It’s important to note that we do not retain any payment information from our customers on our website.

Transaction Fees
Customers are responsible for transaction fees associated with payments made through PayPal. The specific amount of transaction fees is contingent on the currency used and PayPal’s pricing policies. These fees will be incorporated into the total amount of your order.

Payment Process
Upon selecting your preferred products or services, you will be directed to the PayPal payment page. To complete your order, you’ll need to input your payment information, including your billing address. Please be aware that we do not have access to this information, as it is safeguarded by PayPal’s privacy policy.

Payment Cancellation
If you decide to cancel your payment, please reach out to us promptly. We will make every effort to cancel the payment before it undergoes processing by PayPal. However, once the payment has been processed, cancellation may not be feasible.

Refunds are available in the event of technical issues with our services. If you encounter any problems, kindly contact us immediately so that we can address the issue. Refunds are subject to our refund policy.

Payment Security
Ensuring the security of your payment is a top priority for us. We employ a secure HTTPS connection to safeguard your payment information during transactions. It’s important to note that we do not retain payment information on our website. Additionally, we adhere to PCI DSS security standards to uphold the integrity and security of your data.

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